Joker Martini made available a new tool to easily detach, or break any 3d object in 3dsmax. Multiple options to manually slice, or create more complex noisy cut geometry is available on this tool that cost 10$

Joker Martini made available a new tool to easily detach, or break any 3d object in 3dsmax. Multiple options to manually slice, or create more complex noisy cut geometry is available on this tool that cost 10$
Really cool plugin. My only issue is, that it offset’s the cut often (i have the jitter options at 0%). I wanted to chip off the edges of a brick, and it took off huge chunk of it. You can see the same “issue” on the gif with a pillar. The middle cut is perfect, but the bottom on is off by quite a bit.
I would also love to see an option to use custom noises.