3dsmax news in July! ThinkingParticles Drop8 vdbs, more Tyflow, Topologik from kinematiclabs, UltimateTrimuv free script, tutorials about 3d illustration and envirnment modelling with forest pack and railclone, Ivan Prvulj demoreel using 3dsmax, Allan Mckay free tutorials, Thinkbox products, and me on Siggraph 2019 with a lots of news. Some of the links:
my website: www.andvfx.com
ETDs website: www.effectivetds.com
Tyflow: http://docs.tyflow.com/download/
Thinking particles: https://www.cebas.com/
Effectivetds Alembic import:
Storm: https://effectivetds.com/resources/fx…
Thinkbox products: https://www.thinkboxsoftware.com/
Topologik: https://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/pr…
UltimateTrimuv: https://gumroad.com/l/yFKwZ
3d illustration and environment: https://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/tut…
Allan mckay free tutorial: https://avengerscourse.com/
ScanlineVfx: https://www.scanlinevfx.com/
Siggraph autodesk: https://area.autodesk.com/events/sigg…