The popular scattering solution for 3ds Max gets a huge update with Forest Pack 8.
On this new version, itoo software added Forest sets. A collection of objects for easily populate your forest packs with existing collections of elements. You can as well use dynamically layers in 3dsMax, where your collection will be populated automatically with any element existing inside this layer.

There is the possibility to link to areas and surfaces used in another forest pack object. This way you don’t need to assign a spline multiple times across multiple forest packs.

Multiple improvements on Forest Effects, like ability to reference splines that are independent of distribution areas. Forest effects can now be filtered, and new forest effects presets has been added.
Its possible now to scatter child objects of source geometry maintaining their hierarchy, and they can be animated and randomize his playback.

Other improvements has been done like Vertex colour support in arnold, improvements in vray using cpu , added new preset library of high quality photo scanned leaves and more.