Daniel Wichterich shared Pixel Painter, a free script that allow to easily create pixel animation inside 3dsmax! Very easy to use, and can be great for this very specific task. Just check the video to see the cool capabilities.
Read MoreBlog
This list will be updated with all the new offers and codes I found available with plugins, scripts, assets, 3d models, and tutorials that I found available for Black Friday 2022, so you get the best deals! (Updated november 24th) __________________________________________ PLUGINS/SCRIPTS Sini Software: 30% off annual licences when you […]
Read MoreModular Buildings
Evermotion presented Archmodels vol 267. A collection of office and residential buildings. What sets this collection apart is that they are totally procedural models, already setup with Railclone. You will be able to adjust any dimensions of your buildings, adding a lot of variations.
Read MoreThinkbox Open Source all Products
Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced that will proceed to open source all his products, starting by Krakatoa MY and Xmesh MY (maya versions). But all the rest of tools including 3dsmax tools will follow. This includes Krakatoa, Frost, Genome, Stoke, and Deadline as some of the most popular VFX tools […]
Read MoreMaxtoA
Maxtoa has been updated to accept the new Arnold 7.1.4. The new update has automatic generation of TX files always on, where the textures are generated on demand. MaxtoA now supports the standard object properties, like visibility spinner and different visibility flags. Arnold Render view is on by default. Physical […]
Read MoreForest Pack 8
The popular scattering solution for 3ds Max gets a huge update with Forest Pack 8. On this new version, itoo software added Forest sets. A collection of objects for easily populate your forest packs with existing collections of elements. You can as well use dynamically layers in 3dsMax, where your […]
Read MoreFusion plugin Update
Fusion is a great plugin to have even more complex array systems than the 3dsmax build in array. Allow for way more customizations when you array objects over splines. On the new version 0.8.178 you can create more complex geometry by linking objects together with various conditions. Additionally, you can […]
Read MoreSlice and Dice
Joker Martini made available a new tool to easily detach, or break any 3d object in 3dsmax. Multiple options to manually slice, or create more complex noisy cut geometry is available on this tool that cost 10$
Read More3ds Max USD Stage Beta
3dsMax USD plugin beta 0.3 has been released. It introduces USD Stage workflow and a new USD Export SDK. Think about USD Stage like a USD Xref. Instead of importing all USD data in 3dsmax, 3dsmax only imports a reference to this USD file. Making your scenes lighter. Can be […]
Read MoreDomestika 3ds Max tutorials Discounts
We have more discounts from Domestika. Valid until October 25th, so you need to hurry up! Coupon of $5/5€/5£ Code:CREATE-PROMO1Valid for purchases over $20, 20€ or 20£. The code can not be applied in conjunction with other codes and it is also not applicable to Domestika Bundles or Domestika Plus. […]
Read MoreFinal Fluid 1.0 Released
Cebas technologies released Final Fluid 1. For first time 3dsmax receive a realtime fluid solver. You will need an nvidia graphics card with at least 4Gb of ram. And you get realtime smoke/fire in your scene. The first version comes with support for 3ds max particle systems. With pflow, Tyflow […]
Read MoreChaos Corona 6 released
Chaos released Corona 6 for 3dsmax. It comes with a similar cloud system we saw in Vray, but also its adding plane trails, that give even more realism. Corona Pattern that allow to multiplicate a mesh pattern over other geometry, like a texture. Offers compatibility with Chaos Scans. Fisheyes cameras […]
Read MoreAnima 5
AXYZ presented version 5 of his popular Population system of characters, Anima5. The most popular way to add life in your 3dsmax scenes now supports proper motion blur. The scan 4d models that has facial expressions and cloth deformation now are possible to be used on a human walking tool […]
Read MorecsArrayMaker
And we have the first script based on the new array (you need max 2023.2 installed. This one comes from changsoo, is totally free has build some typical presets for a fast start with array mod. , is totally free has build some typical presets for a fast start with […]
Read More3ds Max 2023.2
New max update!!!! And this one is huge. Not only we got an awesome new Array with multiple modes (Grid, radial, spline, mesh distributions) For first time we got a lot of improvements fixes on animation (CAT and the track view updates). We had internal rewrites (Array is constructed over […]
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