Articles by: Eloi andaluz

3ds Max 2024

We have a complete new max 2024! I cover on Patreon an in depth review for booleans and new array modifiers. 3ds Max 2024 is one of the biggest updates that I remember. We have improvements in modeling, animation, UI, materials, performance, rendering, color management, and more! The star of […]

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Randomixer for 3ds Max

Spline Dynamics released his tool to randomize everything. It will create variations on your scene, model or characters, and you can manage them with state assets. Populate your scene with different models, randomize textures or materials, randomize positions, add variations for lights and cameras, everything is possible. Ideal to explore […]

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Razor Cutting tool FREE

Paul Fuller released for free his awesome script “Razor“. I personally used the tool in multiple projects like destructions in Game of Thrones, Godzilla vs Kong, Aquaman, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and others. It allows to create cuts in your geometry drawing directly in viewport the cut. What makes […]

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ChatGPT for 3ds Max

Joker Martini released a proof of concept integrating ChatGPT in 3dsMax. Ask any prompt, and you will get a maxscript or phyton code generated automatically for you! Its still in development, so bugs can occur, you can download it for free from GitHub and give feedback for future updates. You […]

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SmartExtrude Toggle

Smart Extrude is one of the best additions for fast modeling in 3dsmax, but sometimes you wish was turn off. Changsoo eun created a simple script that allow to turn on/off smart extrude automatic welding. Its free and you can download it from his page.

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Paul Neale 3dsMax Tricks

Paul Neale during the years created very graphic and descriptive screenshoots of 3dsMax documenting different areas. From modeling, to rigging, animation, OSL, rendering or shortcuts, this images can help you understand 3dsmax or discover new functions. Right click and “Open Image on new tab” to watch the image bigger. And […]

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thinkingParticles 7.3

Cebas technologies released a new iteration for his veteran particle system in 3ds Max. On this version 7.3 they turbocharged MEL, a new language scripting oriented for vfx introduced in 7.2. MEL is multithreaded, accelerating every aspect of thinkingParticles. With this new language you will be able to access any […]

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FumeFx 6

Sitni Sati released FumeFX 6, a major new overhauled version of his popular fire/smoke simulation for 3ds Max. Now is not only about fluids simulations, FumeFX 6 become a node based interface. Allows for particles setups, with voronoi solvers, rigid bodies and soft bodies driven by bullet and particles advection […]

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GDC 3ds Max talks

Game Developer Conference is this March from 20th to 24th. A lot of cool conferences, Autodesk is having his own conferences, that you can follow on the link. Related to 3ds Max from Autodesk we have Next-Gen workflows with Autodesk and epic games involved. And Stefan Ivanov will talk about […]

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wParallax new collections

wParallax, released new collections to create “fake” interiors. You just need a 2d Plane, and the OSL map will create the parallax effect taking in to account your camera position to display a 3d interior. Parallax provides with a rich collection of different bundles for apartments, kitchens, offices, and retail […]

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Vray materials 4X faster thanks to QT

A very complete article from Chaos group, on a new blog post from developers talking… Developer stuff. On this one they talk about the work they did on Vray 6.1 moving all materials to QT interface, and how they archive 4 times faster draw speeds thanks to the max conversion […]

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Texture set loader

Joker Martini released this script that allow to easily create all types of PBR materials in bulk. Select your folder that contains all your textures for diffuse, normals, roughness, bumps, etc.. The script will automatically place by name each texture to the correct slot. It supports also multiple renderers like […]

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Vray 6 update 1

Chaos group released an update for Vray 6, and has some cool productivity enhancements. Vray decal allow to project textures cylindrically and allows to add bump map. You can define the resolution per camera. Initial USD and stage export. Improved performance opening Vray scenes. Masking for lens effect and denoiser, […]

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Tyflow adds a Terrain Generator

Tyson presented Tyflow 1.012 a HUGE new update. Includes a complete suite of tools to create all types of terrains. Its comparable to Gaea and World Machine. Includes more than 20 modifiers to archive these tasks. It features CUDA-accelerated erosion, deformation and shallow-water solvers, complex layer-based color/texture generation, unlimited tile/color/mask […]

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Stackup Free Modifier

Sini Software release another free maxscript to create easily random objects following a spline. Its called Stackup. You can define first object, random objects in the middle and top elements. Ideal to randomize buildings and other structures around splines. Sini released also a complete set of 9 tutorials to cover […]

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